We finally did it! We put our house on the market and the ball has started rolling and rolling pretty fast, I must add. We had our first showing last night and we don't even have a sign up yet! Time is not wasting, that's for sure. This is something we've been thinking about doing for a while now. I'm filled with all sorts of mixed emotions. Sad, because I've REALLY fallen in love with our home. From the first moment I saw it, it felt like home to me.

We painted all the rooms (except our spare room), added a new faucet and back splash in the kitchen, hung a built-in ironing board (IT'S AWESOME!), replaced lighting fixtures, and the list goes on and on. As you can see from the before shots, the curb appeal was in dire need of some TLC as well. Nothing was in it's rightful place. Trees was sporadically placed throughout the yard. The grass was neglected. The deck had been neglected. It's as if the outdoor living area wasn't living AT ALL!

The truth of the matter is that the house had been neglected for about a year before we came along and rescued her. I knew she had potential for GREATNESS! She has been our home for the last 5 years. If the walls could talk, they would tell you about the day I told my husband he was going to be a daddy and about the day we brought our little boy HOME. This was our first REAL HOME as a couple and as a family. So many memories were made here, but when the day comes for us to pack up all our belongings into cardboard boxes, we'll pack those memories into our hearts. Yes, I'm feeling a little sad, but it's like they say. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!
I'm certain that the move will be a step up for us. We are so fortunate to be given this awesome opportunity to build our VERY OWN HOME. For this I'm so happy and excited! We love our current home so much that we want to build something quite similar to it, just a little bigger with a basement and a bonus room. Ahhhhh.....BONUS ROOM. Music to my ears. No more toys spewing from the little guy's room. They'll all be contained in the MARVELOUS, MAGNIFICANT BONUS ROOM. Well, that's the plan. Oh, and the word BASEMENT. You hear those violins playing again too? You don't know how much having a basement means until you've lived you WHOLE life without one and you hear of a tornado in the area. Our new home will finally give my family shelter from a potentially deadly storm.
I'm so grateful to our family for their help and support. This would have ONLY been a dream in our distant future if it wasn't for the generous heart of our little guy's GREAT grandmother, Nene. She is graciously giving us the land to build our dream upon. Thank you so much Nene. We love you!
Written July 16, 2009
I'm so grateful to our family for their help and support. This would have ONLY been a dream in our distant future if it wasn't for the generous heart of our little guy's GREAT grandmother, Nene. She is graciously giving us the land to build our dream upon. Thank you so much Nene. We love you!
Written July 16, 2009
Your house is absolutely gorgeous! I can see why you would want to build something similiar. I could not live without a basement...so yes, I do hear the violins playing.
Good for you! May you sell it at the perfect time to the perfect buyers.
Wow,what a beautiful home you have!!! Y'alls is the same color scheme as ours! Yellows and whites. I love those 'bright' springy, happy colors!
I can't wait to see your NEW home. It'll be all this and more, I'm sure.
I am so happy for you. I love your expression of packing your memories into your heart...you are right, and that is where they will stay.
You have a beautiful home now, but how special your new place will be as well.
Oh how wonderful! No wonder you have been sorta missing from the bloggy world lately. I bet you are super busy! I can't wait to see what the dream home will look like!
opps...logged into my work account. Its Tamela btw!
I love your house! I almost don't see why you'd want to sell it, except that you get to build one!
You have a beautiful home!! I love the front-it's a beautiful style and I can understand why you would want something similar! Good luck building. We built about 7 years ago, and are now looking into adding on (seven people in a 3BR gets a bit tight sometimes!!) but we LOVE our house!
Not sure about the basement but I would not trade having a bonus room for anything. Ok I would choose having a bathroom over the bonus room but that's about it. We use ours as an office, entertainment room and playroom. Love the house you have now but building your own will be so much fun!
How awesome of Nene to do that! I love your home, it's gorgeous. Love the big front porch!
Isn't it fun keeping everything immaculate for a showing, lol!
Your house and yard are so gorgeous! Good luck with the sale and with building the new home. Such big exciting things happening for you and your family!!
You should become a professional decorator! You home is gorgeous! I love this house but I am sure the one you build will be even better!
I love your house! However, you will have a blast building a new one. We built our house about 7 years ago and I am ready to do it again!
Wow! What a beautiful home you have! Fantastic and sorry but that is me just getting round to following your blog, I am hopeless at remembering to do things like that and looked at your blog today and said tomyself, why am I not following this great blog????
Love Collette xxx
Your home is beautiful. You have done such a great job with your decorating. There is nothing I did not love. And the yard is fabulous, too. I can understand how hard it must be for you to pack up and go after pouring your heart into it...but you will forget how sad you feel today when you move into your new home. What a wonderful opportunity for you. May God make the path easy for you and the tears few as you embark on this journey!
Miti, Your home is beautiful! I can see why you fell in love with it! It will sell! That is wonderful that you have been given land to build your own new home. God is good! I am so happy for you!
Miti...I am speechless!!! I love love love it! The outside is soo quaint and beautiful! I love all of it...Now, keep it clean so you can sell quickly!!! ;)
OH, Your house is so beautiful; I LOVE your porch! We built our home when we moved to AZ and love it, but I hear ya about not having a basement. I grew up with one and haad one my whole life, until we moved here that is! They just don't do basements much in AZ...ground it too hard! May God bless you in your decisions!
Good luck with the sale. Your house is beautiful, and it's obvious you've done a lot of upkeep.
More room is always good. Hope that dream house turns out perfectly.
What a pretty house! I hope it sells quickly! Congrats!
Wow! What a beautiful home! But I know how exciting it is to be moving and building a new home!! How exciting for you!
Hey Miti! You said you're about to turn 40, so I'm assuming you added TEN years and you're really only 30, RIGHT? Cuz see, I added 20 years when I said 56,not 10. I'm not 46, I'm 36. So if you added 20 years like I did,then that means your just about to turn 20 - and SURELY, SURELY, SURELY you're not!!!!!! =0)
I've now got evreyone so confused....
Sorry readers!
Erica =0)
How is everything going on the home front? How many showings.??? Any how...yes, I believe that you would get a potty mouth...LOL;)
Hope all is going well.....Tarah
Thank you, I was sure he meant someone else too, lol!
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