
Most moms have an obsession of photographing their families that they rarely are ever seen coming out from behind the camera. That's why Carin @ Forever in Blue Jeans created a new challenge for all blogging mamas. It's called 52 Weeks. Every week moms will be stepping away from their cameras and sharing the spotlights with their loved ones. Looking through my photos, I discovered that it's so true. I'm missing in action in most of the shots. And really it doesn't bother me one bit. Well......maybe just a little. I would have to say that when I look at pictures of me growing up, my favorites aren't the ones of me alone. They're the ones that capture me with my family, especially my parents. So, I'm excepting the challenge.
We sacrifice a lot as Mom's but it's worth it!
Your little guy is SOOOO cute my friend.
looks like he enjoyed and that makes all the energy worth while (in a mom's eyes anyway)
He is so beautiful!
Looks like so much fun!
If only we could get rid of all of this cold and rain!
He looks like he is thrilled with his new pool. So sweet. I love that picture of you two. You are so cute!
Yay for Mommy!!!!
I'm so glad you took pictures. The pool looks awesome. And it couldn't be more perfect size for someone his size! Besides, if it were any bigger, your hubs would've gotten home to find his wife passed out cold!!!
Great job --- even if I now think you're INSANE! =0)
Now, I could sink myself into that bad boy right now! I woke up to INSANE thunderstorms this morning!
Love his swimsuit and the pic of both of you...adorable!
Girl have you ever heard of a pump??? I blew up a beach ball sprinkler toy and that took me an hour of breaks. I can imagine you turning blue on the lawn to get that thing done! These are the things we can hold over their heads when they get older though!! That and childbirth!
That is so precious! Totally worth it! I hope you were able to get in and catch your breath! Whew! What a little cutie he is...you are the best mom!
I still can not believe it...you are amazing!
What a sweet picture you got out of all your hard work though!
You know, that makes me want to get one of those, just to sit in it and cool off.
I wonder what the dogs would think of it? Dog hair would be like "eeeeeew, gross" if they got in it.
What a wonderful Monny you are and great pictures!
I had to come see your cutie...and seriously with a face that cute how could you say no :)
Great job!
How fun! I'm enjoying your blog! It looks like you guys had a blast! Blessings! Amanda:)
aye.... I think I just passed out thinking about blowing that pool up. You are one fantastic mom, that's all I have to say! Very cute picture of you two. It has such an dreamy quality to it. Great job
You are such a great mom! That is a HUGE pool! Did you need a nap when you were done?! :)
What a dedicated mama you are.. I would have opted for taking it to the local gas station!
You go girl!!
That is a great picture of you two!
I would have passed out if I tried to blow up a whole pool. What a good mom you are. And I bet you had as much fun as him. Am I right???
Such great pics! Looks like he had a fun wet day with his mama and a popsicle!
Wow!!! but I met it was worth it!
Your Baby Boy is so Cute!
Have a ♥Lovely♥ Night!!
Wow... you go girl! That takes a lot of lung power. It looks like it was worth it. I bet he's really enjoying that pool!
Thanks for the follow! Your little boy is precious!! And you must have great lungs. :)
Great pictures of summer fun. I love the colors of the water and the pool and toys.
I can't believe you blew up the swimming pool for 3 hours. What a mom!!
There aren't many pictures of me when I was a baby either. I was the 3rd. I gave my folks grief about that for years.
This fueled my sister's story that I was adopted. Now why wouldn't my parents tell me if I was adopted? My brother knew he was. I was so gullable & my sis loved that.
Have fun with your cute little guy.
so tell me? How do you keep a pool that size clean? Does it come with a cover? How often do you refill it?
Glad you had fun and the most best part! Your son enjoyed it just as much. fun memories.
great photos.. we have the same inflatable pool here :)
i will add you to my blog roll so i can be back more often!
see you around!
greetings from the Philippines
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