1. I CAN be friends with strangers. (It's very true. Of course, you can never be too careful. You've gotta use your best judgment, be very selective, and keep your principles in mind.)
2. The longer I blog, the more I wanna get followed. (I love being followed. Followers don't scare me. They make me very happy =D The more, the merrier, right?! DISCLAIMER: Weirdos NOT welcomed-see#1)
3. If I write, they will come. (It makes sense. Why would anybody wanna visit me if I'm never home?! I'm just surprised anybody wants to come over PERIOD!)
5. I now know 3 (Yeah, that's right! THREE) different languages -
I can strike a
5. If someone says, "Tag, You're It!", STAY PUT. (No need to start running around the house like a crazed 5 year old.)
6. A carnival doesn't need any rides or cotton candy to be fun. (Heck, I don't even have to leave the house to enjoy a good carnival)
(Just to name a few)
7. If I'm lost for words, it's always good to check what's on draft. (No, I'm not talking beer, people. GROSS! I'm talking posts here.)
8. A button is like a message in a bottle. (Just sitting there, waiting to be grabbed. My little button has crossed the border all the way into Alaska and it's sailed the seas as far as the Philippines. Pretty cool, huh?!)
9. Give and you shall receive. (When you have a giveaway, not only are you giving a little something back to all your followers. You also receive lots of new bloggy friends. Speaking of giveaways, have you heard about this one?)
10. I LOVE BLOGGING!!!! (I LOVE IT! i love it! I LOVE IT! And I'm gonna keep blogging for as long as my laptop shall live.)
9. Give and you shall receive. (When you have a giveaway, not only are you giving a little something back to all your followers. You also receive lots of new bloggy friends. Speaking of giveaways, have you heard about this one?)
10. I LOVE BLOGGING!!!! (I LOVE IT! i love it! I LOVE IT! And I'm gonna keep blogging for as long as my laptop shall live.)
Happy Blogoversary! I never thought I could learn html but I am coming along! I love to blog also. Why is it easier to do something knowing you can blog about it later? lol. Makes everything more fun! You have a great blog and I love to visit.
Over from the Mighty M and saw where you were also celebrating your year of blogging! Happy Anniversary! And a big congratulations!
Happy Blogoversary! Great post for celebration!
I love blogging too! And it does seem to make everything else that I do even more fun, knowing I will probably be blogging about it later! :)
You are so creative and such a fun blogger. Love this fun post. Love knowing you in real life too.
Love your blog!
Happy Blogoversary! I laughed out loud to many of your learned lessons! Especially #4! I can't tell you the number of random photos I've taken to supplement a blog idea I've had (bowls of popcorn, half eaten apples, etc.)! Funny, funny!
Do you ever share your html secrets?!?! I could use a few!!
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary! What a fun way to commemorate the day! Got a big laugh out of #4 :)
Happy Blogoversary! Very glad you are blogging because you're fun to read.
Congrats! on the milestone. Happy Blogoversary.
Stephen Tremp
Happy Blogoversary! I can relate to this entire post!
I love this post! Happy Blogoversary!!!
Happy Blogoversary to you! I never considered myself a writer, but once I discovered journaling/blogging I got hooked. That was 9 years ago!
Now I find routinely myself thinking "I need to write about that" whenever something happens! lol
What a great list!! Next year, will you write my blogoversary post??? ;-) Happy blogoversary to you too!!!
Happy Blogoversry!! Mine was at the end of October but in the mist of football season I forgot all about it!! I love your list too!
Congratulations on one year of blogging! You do an awesome job and I love reading your posts. Keep 'em coming :)
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! And happy Blogoversary!! I have become a little obsessed with the whole followers thing... my number goes up and down and back up again. But I just keep writing and posting tons of pics!
You have a cute blog layout too!!
Other than celebrating that special number "100" which I have done only as a way to become more involved with the readers. I have gotten to know the "winners" a lot better than other readers -- well, those and the "blest guests" who step in for me on Wednesdays.
I don't worry about ## of followers going up and down. Some people leave blogging and are courteous enough to remove themselves as bloggers so that one does not end up with Gogol's proverbial dead souls. Others change their interests. Still others are restricted to a specific number of blogs and find themselves oversubscribed and so forth.
I have an award for you! http://underthegoldenappletree.blogspot.com/2009/11/bloggy-business-awards-and-ive-been.html
Congratulations, my friend! I'm glad you love blogging because we love your blog!
Thanks for putting my meme up there, you're a sweetie!
Happy Blogoversary!!! I'm glad you started blogging so I could eventually find your blog and stalk you!!
Thanks Miti! :)
Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!! I just love your blog and how creative you are!!!! I have only been blogging for a few months and have been learning so much. I will be continually coming back to your blog and reading!!!! And hoping one day to be able to be as creative!
Ditto! Although I just started Blogging, I am addicted just as you are! Although I have not even begun to understand HTML, or how to make my blog even HALF as pretty as yours, hopefully I will join the crowd sometime soon. I am excited to keep following you and our other fellow bloggers well into the future. It is so fun to get to know other moms out there and see their experiences. Happy Blogoversary...and I will be following you and your blogging journey "as long as my laptop shall live". :) Take care!
Great list and so true of us bloggers! Happy Blogoversary!
Awwww, great things to learn!!! I am oh so proud of your for STRIKING and for SCROLLING!! You go girl! {{pats self on back}}
And you used my Carnival button. Dang, you ROCK today Miti!!!
Happy blogiversary!!! ♥ U!
Congratulations on a year of blogging. I agree, it's lots of fun!
Happy (belated) blogoversary!
I'm a first time visitor, but I just love *your love* of blogging. It's such a creative outlet, isn't it?
By the way, your designs are beautiful!
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